TOEIC® TEST対策の名古屋栄 久屋大通 ウィズイングリッシュアカデミー


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Check your spelling Part 2


Were you able to find the mistakes in last week’s picture of the watch store’s signboard?  The mistakes were “grass” and “collectables.”  First, the small one, “collectables”.  The correctly spelling is “collectibles”.  The other one, “grass” is worse.  L and R may be the same sound in Japanese, but in English they are very different.  “Grass” means the green stuff growing from the ground that makes lawns look so nice.  Because this is a watch store, I doubt they sell grass.  Since it’s a watch store, the correct spelling must be “glass”.  Glass means the stuff windows and such are made out of.  If you’re going to use English, it’s easy these days to get it checked out, so please do!




Do you feel your English base is weak?  Do some basic parts of English confuse you?  Then try the English grammar class!  Here you can learn about how to use different grammar points and why we use them in English.  Taught by a Japanese teacher fluent in English, you will be able to learn or review many every day grammar points used by native speakers.  Check it out here